An artist’s world is LIMITLESS, there are no boundaries when it comes to the imagination.
Our vision is to shift perceptions of what dance and art making can be by creating powerful and thought provoking experiences.
Limitless Dance Company was created to provide more paid performance opportunities for contemporary dancers in Australia. We are an independent project based creative contemporary dance company that prides ourselves on pushing the boundaries of dance both artistically and conceptually.
Defined by our unpredictability, innovative style; Limitless Dance Company is a sanctuary where those passionate about dance can celebrate it's past while simultaneously building it's future.
Limitless Dance Company plays inside the imagination, to find juxtapositions of the mind and body, that resonates in the soul. To investigate our limitations and pleasures. To realise the endless human capacity for inspiration.
Both Sides explores the nature of relationships, the comings and goings, alliances and fallouts and how these experiences help shape our existence. In every relationship there are two sides, the one they let the world see and the one they keep to themselves.
SE7EN reveals the precarious stability of the concept of self and steps through the conventions that there are several different sinful entities inside all of us. The dancers are transformed into erupting, powerful, unholy creatures projecting a range of physical impressions and emotions.
From the moment we are born we begin to die. The process has already begun and the bright light at the end of the tunnel is inevitable.
Inspired by our growth and decay, ‘Here After’ explores the up rising of our inner demons and angels, examining life’s connections and disconnections to the spiritual journey.
Look captivating in our new merchandise range